Patricia’s Blog


Like a rock in the sea, islanded by fields…..

Oct 27, 2015 | Comments Off on Like a rock in the sea, islanded by fields…..

Reading Mary Lavin’s story ‘In the Middle of the Fields’ in the recent anthology of Irish Women Writers The Long Gaze Back, I was reminded of a visit to East Walpole on the outskirts of Boston several years ago. I had travelled along Washington Street which seemed to extend forever in straight lines south-east of the…

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So This Is How It Ends: A Writer In Grandmother’s Footsteps

Apr 25, 2011 | Comments Off on So This Is How It Ends: A Writer In Grandmother’s Footsteps

In a nice piece of symmetry Kathleen MacMahon’s novel, So This Is How It Ends, recently signed by Little Brown (UK) and Grand Central (US),  will be published in 2012, the centenary of the birth of Mary Lavin, the author’s grandmother. ‘My memory of  grandmother as a writer,’ Kathleen MacMahon said, ‘is of her in bed with…

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A half-dozen selection of Irish Short Stories

Jan 12, 2011 |

  It was one of my books for Christmas. The Granta Book of the Irish Short Story. And it was my recommended read for our book club this month. But they’re a stubborn crowd, my book club lot. They know their own minds. What did they think of the book?  Took a long while to get into.…

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