Patricia’s Blog


Fret Over The Sentence

Jan 25, 2011 | Comments Off on Fret Over The Sentence / Life & Arts – The art of good writing. I fret about writing a sentence: whether to make it concise, minimalist and pared-down or, exuberant and rhythmic to match the tone. Are the rules that dictate brevity and concreteness enduring? My new year resolution was to craft the best sentences I could. Adam…

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A half-dozen selection of Irish Short Stories

Jan 12, 2011 |

  It was one of my books for Christmas. The Granta Book of the Irish Short Story. And it was my recommended read for our book club this month. But they’re a stubborn crowd, my book club lot. They know their own minds. What did they think of the book?  Took a long while to get into.…

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The 10 Best Books of 2010 – New York Times List

Dec 14, 2010 |

The 10 Best Books of 2010 – I was happy to see my favorite book of 2010, Emma Donoghue’s Room, included in the New York Times 10 Best Books of 2010 listed below. William Trevor’s Selected Stories is there too. Here is the New York Times list: FREEDOM By Jonathan Franzen. Farrar, Straus &…

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